American Livestock Brokers & Shackelford Auction & Realty
American Livestock Brokers & Shackelford Auction & Realty

Auctioneer Name: Shackelford, Jarvene
Address: Jarvene Shackelford 20971 Hwy 4 East Ripley
MS 38663
Ph: 662-837-4904

Details: Jarvene Shackelford received his Baccalaureate of Science degree in the study of Animal Science from Mississippi State University and was a member of the University Livestock Judging Team.

Mr. Shackelford is the owner of American Livestock Brokers and Shackelford Auction & Realty. He has been serving the cattle industry since 1972 as a sales manager and auctioneer. He serves the Southeast. He has represented many of the top individuals within the Angus breed.

His companies were founded on the beliefs that honesty, integrity, high moral ethics, and hard work are the basic components to a successful business.

And with over 36 years of experience, this still serves true.

Our goal has always been to provide the very best marketing system for your production effort, allowing you the most net dollars.