American Veterans Auction Service
American Veterans Auction Service

Auctioneer Name: Becker, Daniel
Address: Daniel Becker 1983 E. 400 N. Rensselaer
IN 47978
Ph: 219-204-1749

Details: American Veterans Auction Service was started by US Army Airborne Ranger veteran and auctioneer Daniel Becker and US Marine Corp veteran David Dahn, both are combat veterans. The business portion is run by the wives Diana Becker and Wendy Dahn.
It is our goal to make your auction experience the best it can be. Whether you have never been to an auction or are an old pro we are here for you. When you have something to sell our number one priority is to get the best fair market value for your item.

All our auctioneers are graduates of Reppert Auction School.